Informa Markets (Brazil Digital Solution) is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC



Better Stands aims to celebrate exhibitors and their appointed contractors who choose to use reusable stands.

Split into three key phases, Bronze, Silver and Gold, Better Stands looks to encourage gradual change across the events industry by prioritizing stand systems that are safer, faster and cleaner to build and present much less waste than disposable stands. 


Reusable stands are any exhibition stand that is used at more than one event. We find that these stands often create a better customer experience for exhibitors and their contractors as they’re faster to build, create fewer safety issues during the build of the event. They’re also a great way for exhibitors to establish their sustainability credentials and reflect their commitment to waste and emissions reduction. 

Better Stands is an initiative of the FasterForward Global Sustainability Program, of the Informa Markets Group. Watch the video at the top to get more information about our initiatives for a better world.


All exhibitors and contractors at Informa Markets events are invited to join the future of the events industry.


Otimize tempo e aumente a produtividade

Positive environmental impact

Fewer wasted materials

Segurança de todos

Safety of everyone

Safer for contractors, exhibitors, and visitors at the events


Reduced costs

Exhibitors and contractors can reduce project and construction costs


Optimized time and increased productivity

Save time when constructing, building, and dismantling


Promoting your company’s brand

Promote your company’s brand in a positive way


Higher quality and longer durability

Investment in high-quality and durability stands

Join us on a journey towards the future of more sustainable events!

What makes a stand sustainable?

All stands at Informa Markets events fall into three levels: Better Stands Bronze, Silver, or Gold, according to how many reusable elements are used.

All elements of a certain level must be re-used (or recycled at Gold level) to achieve this classification. If the stand does not re-use all elements in the Bronze level, it is classified as in progress. 



PRO3 (1)

What are the materials most used in Better Stands?

  • Modular aluminum frames: They are lightweight, resistant, and can be reused many times 
  • Reusable wooden panels: They are made from reforested timber and can be customized with different colors and textures;
  • Recycled fabric: They are used to line walls, create displays, and line furniture;
  • Modular furniture: It is lightweight, easy to transport, and can be configured in many ways;
  • LED lighting: It is energy efficient and can create different lighting effects.


  • We recommend that all the main elements, i.e., walls, arches, counters, etc., use reusable materials, e.g., system construction or inventory panels; 
  • The stand’s structure must be prefabricated and ready for on-site build; 
  • Final adjustments to prefabricated parts are permitted for fitting purposes; 
  • The final coating of TVOC (Volatile Organic Solvent Content) paints is acceptable for repair purposes only; 
  • Flat floors and system floorings must be cut to the length before entering the location, and be reusable; 
  • Use LED lighting;
  • Use reused or recycled carpet, vinyl flooring, and other floor coverings. 


  • Using single MDF panels or similar raw materials which are planned to be cut on site; 
  • Using other raw materials to build main structural elements, i.e., walls, arches, floor systems, counters, etc., which are not intended to be reused or recycled after use; 
  • Building any stand component from single-use materials; 
  • Building any stand core element from scratch; 
  • Using incandescent light bulbs 
  • Using brand new carpet, vinyl flooring, and other floor coverings that cannot be recycled. 

What exhibitors need to abide by the Better Stands?


How does the exhibition stand’s evaluation occur?

The evaluation is made in three distinct moments:

  1. When submitting the project to Informa Markets. You also must complete and send the Better Stands form, available on the online Drive of the respective event. The link is sent by the Informa Markets Customer Success team;
  2. During the event's building days;
  3. During the event;
  4. On the event's dismantling days. 

Examples of Better Stands

Concrete Show 2023 boardroom

Contractor: USET | Better Stands: Gold Level 
Estande USET-Concrete-Show

Watch the interview with USET director at Concrete Show 2023.

Brazil Windpower 2023 boardroom

Contractor: GL Events Live | Better Stands: Gold Level

Futurecom 2023 boardroom

Contractor: GL Events Live | Better Stands: Gold Level
Estande GL Events - Brasil Windpower REDM

Denmark and BR.Digital Telecom Hall at Brazil Windpower 2023

Contractor: Apollo | Better Stands: Silver Level

Liebherr exhibitor at
Intermodal 2024

Contactor: CO.nnector | Better Stands: Silver Level
Estande APOLLO -2 redim
Design sem nome (9)

Informa Markets also recommends contracting contractors associated with ABRACE - Associação Brasileira de Cenografia e Estandes (Brazilian Association of Scenography and Exhibition Stands) - who are familiar with the Better Stands program.


A reusable (non-disposable) stand is built with materials designed to be used ​​many times.

There are almost unlimited variations of multiuse exhibition stands for all desired sizes and looks. The cost of these exhibition stands is usually lower than disposable ones, helping reduce expenses and resulting in a better investment in the long term.

A pre-built exhibition stand arrives at the event in pieces ready to build, reducing the need for on-site work. At the end of the event, the stand is dismantled into parts and stored for reuse at other events. 

For the environment and all Informa Markets event participants:

  • Positive environmental impact: fewer wasted materials
  • Safety of everyone: Safer for contractors, exhibitors, and visitors at Informa Markets events
  • Reduce design and construction costs
  • Save time when constructing, building, and dismantling
  • Promote your company’s brand in a positive way
  • Investment in higher quality and durability stands

Many disposable stands are built with MDF, which cannot be recycled and releases carcinogenic dust particles when cut.

Once used, MDF can only be disposed of in landfills or incinerated. Therefore, it does not meet the Better Stands requirements.

However, some prefabricated stands can be made from wooden inventory panels, which are reusable and would therefore meet the new regulations. For explanation purposes, the contracted contractor must send details of the materials used. 

The costs of a Better Stand vary according to the stand’s size, design, and materials used. However, Better Stands are usually as costly as traditional stands. In many cases, Better Stands can be more cost-effective in the long term as the stand can be reused in other events.

Design options for Better Stands are unlimited. Stands can be customized to meet the specific needs of each exhibitor. Many companies offer design and construction services for Better Stands.

Informa Markets recommends some contractors that already meet the Better Stands criteria:

  • GL Events Live:
  • Apollo Eventos:
  • USET:

Find more contractors on the ABRACE (Associação Brasileira de Cenografias e Estandes, Brazilian Association of Scenography and Exhibition Stands) website:

If your stand does not meet the Better Stands criteria, you may be requested to change the project or have your participation rejected. Therefore, your stand will be classified as in progress.

All the stands at Informa Markets events will be assessed on whether they practice sustainable actions in their projects. They will be classified as Better Stands Bronze, Silver, or Gold or may be considered disposable. Therefore, they will not participate in the Better Stands program.

Yes, at events in other Informa Markets countries that have already implemented the program, the results have been very positive.

  • Significantly reduced environmental impact. The amount of waste generated from the events was drastically reduced.
  • Increased exhibitors and visitors satisfaction: Exhibitors and visitors were satisfied with the program and appreciated the commitment to sustainability.
  • Improved event’s image: The event was seen as more sustainable and responsible, contributing to its positive image.

Better Stands can help you attract more customers in several ways:

  • Showing your commitment to sustainability: Customers look for companies that care for the environment. When participating in the Better Stands program, you will show your commitment to sustainability and attract customers who appreciate these practices.
  • Associating your brand to a positive image: The Better Stands program is well-accepted by the public and the media. By participating in the program, you will associate your brand with a positive image of sustainability and social responsibility.
  • Standing out from competitors: Most competitors are not participating in sustainability programs. By participating in the Better Stands program, you will stand out from competitors and show that your company is innovative and committed to the future.

The periods for application and approval for the Better Stands Program vary according to each event. For specific information about the deadlines of the event you want to participate, refer to your event’s contact persons or contact the Better Stands team.